WWE NXT live results: The fallout from Stand & Deliver

The Carmelo Hayes era of NXT officially kicks off tonight.

A new NXT Champion was crowned as Hayes defeated Bron Breakker in the main event of Stand & Deliver over WrestleMania weekend. We'll get Hayes' first appearance as NXT Champion tonight.

Though interference by Trick Williams helped Hayes win the match, Breakker still showed respect for Hayes after his title win. Tonight's NXT should provide some clarity over what's next for Breakker.

NXT also has a new Women's Champion after Indi Hartwell won the title in a ladder match at Stand & Deliver. Plus, Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn defeated Fallon Henley & Kiama James to win the NXT Women's Tag Team titles.

NXT North American Champion Wes Lee and Tag Team Champions Gallus both retained their titles on Saturday. Gallus won after getting help from the returning Joe Coffey.

Announced for tonight is the NXT TV in-ring debut of Dragon Lee, who is taking on Nathan Frazer. Dijak vs. Odyssey Jones and Pretty Deadly vs. Tony D'Angelo & Stacks have been made official as well.

Our live coverage starts at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


The show opens with new NXT Women's Champion Indi Hartwell first appearance on NXT since winning the title this past Saturday. Ring announcer Alicia Taylor introduces her as the new champ, and the live studio audience chants "You deserve it" for her.

Notably, the first 30 minutes of the show is "commercial free" tonight. 

Hartwell gets in the ring to address the audience. This eventually leads to Zoey Stark interrupting her, but Hartwell first gives a heartfelt speech about finally winning the title. She goes on to say the first person that deserves a shot about her title is former champion Roxanne Perez. 

Stark interrupts Hartwell, and Stark insults Hartwell by saying she is not on the same level as past NXT women's champs. Stark claims we now have a champ that is easily beatable, and Stark challenges Hartwell to a title match tonight. Hartwell agrees to the title bout. That will not be the only title match on the card.

In an angle shot for social media, Axiom respectfully challenges NXT North American Champion Wes Lee to a match, and that looks official for tonight's card. 

Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) defeated Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo 

Prince pinned D'Angelo, after some trickery and an exposed turnbuckle. This tag team match was set up with an angle from Saturday at Stand & Deliver, where Tony D cut a promo on Pretty Deadly when they, acting as host of the show, asked a question "The Don" took exception to.

There is a spot late in the match where Prince is dragged to the center of the ring. He grabs the ring skirt and pulls it into the ring. That would come into play moments later when Pretty Deadly did a switcheroo, after Prince bonks heads with D'Angelo. Prince's face is covered by the skirting, and Wilson switches places with him. 

One is a blond, and the other a brunette, but they wore matching gear. With their faces and hair hidden, they look similar. Wilson begs off, pleading that he is not the legal man, which he was not indeed. D'Angelo is distracted with Wilson, allowing Prince to send D'Angelo into an exposed turnbuckle. Prince then rolls up D'Angelo for a tainted three count.

Jacy Jayne in a video package cuts a pre-taped promo on Gigi Dolan. Jayne threatens to break Dolan. 

Dijak defeated Odyssey Jones

Jones pinned Dijak with a moonsault press. This hoss fight was set up last week in a battle royal. Dijak won clean as a whistle.

Dijak at one point gives Jones a Spicolli Driver for a near fall. Jones kicked out, but he would not kick out after Dijak immediately follows up with a moonsault press. 

Dragon Lee is the focus of a hype video ahead of his match that is up next.

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NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes is shown arriving to the building alongside Trick Williams.

NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus in an interview with McKenzie Mitchell brag about themselves. The returning Joe Coffey vows to wins a singles title to go along with the tag belts the other two hold.

Dragon Lee defeated Nathan Frazier

Lee pinned Frazier in a great television match. This was Lee's in-ring debut on NXT TV, after he first debuted in a NXT ring at Stand & Deliver.

The start of the match is interrupted by the return of Noam Dar, who is toting his NXT UK Heritage Cup. Dar comes to ringside and cuts a promo where he also brags on himself. Dar says he will decide who to defend his Heritage Cup against as he sees fit. Dar then watches the match from ringside.

Frazier was a great opponent for Dragon Lee to showcase his style to the NXT audience. They worked well together, and they eventually quickened the pace just before stalemate that led into a commercial break.

The match continues during a split-screen break. They slow down, but not for long. Dragon Lee during the break takes a bump off the turnbuckle where he tumbles to the outside. Please save that for the full screen.

They build to some high spots off the top, and Lee soon fires up with a flurry of offense. They go back to the top rope, where Lee jumps off for a draping double foot stomp. 

Frazier cuts of Dragon Lee for a near fall. Frazier misses a Phoenix Splash, but he rolls through. They trade strikes and kicks. Lee gets a near fall on a wickedly cool spot where he reverses a running Spanish Fly, and Lee turns it into a sit-out powerbomb. Lee measures and delivers a running knee strike, and Lee covers Frazier for the pinfall.

A segment is set up for next week in a skit that aired tonight. Duke Hudson will be awarded a MVP trophy in a ceremony next Tuesday on NXT. 

The new NXT Women's Tag Team Champions, Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre, are the focus of a vignette where they practice witchcraft, or something like that. They dare and curse any team trying to take the titles from them.

North American Champ Wes Lee does a backstage interview with McKenzie Mitchell. Lee puts over his opponents from this past Saturday, but Lee says he was most impressed with Axiom. 

NXT Women's Champion Indi Hartwell defeated Zoey Stark to retain her title

The match goes through a commercial break. Stark is in control as the show returns from the break. Hartwell fight back, and Hartwell leaps off the top rope to deliver a flying elbow drop. 

Trade strikes and Stark goes for a springboard. Hartwell counters into a spinebuster for a near fall. Starks cuts off Hartwell, and Starks executes her finisher on Hartwell. However, Hartwell takes the bump by falling through the ropes to the outside.

Stark has to leave the ring and roll Hartwell back into the ring. Stark goes for a cover, but Hartwell counters with a crucifix and a three count. The champ retains her title.

Tiffany Stratton comes out on stage after the match, and Stratton gestures towards Hartwell. Stratton want a title shot. 

As Hartwell is having a staredown with Stratton, Hartwell is blindsided by a sneak attack. Cora Jace jumps Hartwell from behind, and Jade parades around holding the title belt overhead. Jade also has words with Stratton on her way out.

Kiana Jame is yelling at Brooks Jensen in the locker room. She was angry Jensen did not help her cheat in the tag title match last Saturday In walks Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs. Henley wants to know what is going on. Henley asks James if she is really mad at Jensen for not cheating when James herself is cheating on Jensen. James admits to "dating around" and seeing other people. 

James claims her and Jensen were never an "exclusive" couple. James says things changed when they shared their first kiss, but James claims that changed on Saturday when her and Henley lost the tag titles. James storms off, and Jensen is heartbroken. Jensen then yells at Henley and Briggs, ordering them to stay out of his relationships. Briggs makes a remark at the end of the skit alluding to a women's tag team match next week.

A tribute graphic is shown honoring the memory of Butch Miller.

Ivy Nile defeated Tatum Paxley

Nile submitted Paxley in a grudge match between former teammates. The Creed Brothers celebrate with Nile after the match.

This match was set up in an angle several weeks ago when Paxley turned on Nile during a tag match. The former tag partners now meet here in a grudge match. They have a competitive match, but it is rather short. Nile eventually applies a Dragon Sleeper, and Paxley tapped out.

Ilja Dragunov is doing a backstage interview when he is interrupted by Von Wagner. Mr. Stone rushes in, and he is upset with Wagner. Stone says he will get Wagner booked in a match against Dragunov, but if Wagner loses, Stone is done as his manager.

NXT North American Champion Wes Lee vs. Axiom to retain his title

Lee pinned Axiom in a really good match. They wrestled through a commercial break. Good action during the bout where they fly around, but they also use some submission holds and such. Great counters. These two work well together.

As they go home, Axiom missed the Golden Ratio. Lee then follows up by landing the Cardiac Kick, and Lee covers Axiom for a pinfall to retain the title

They embrace after the match in a show of good sportsmanship. Lee then leaves the ring. Axiom is alone in the ring when a cryptic promo from Scrypts plays over the loud speakers. When Scrypts tries a sneak attack, he is thwarted by Axiom. Scyrpts springboards into the ring out of nowhere, but Axiom seems knocks him out of the air with a dropkick.  

In a locker room interview with McKenzie Mitchell, Nathan Frazier believes he can turns things around despite his loss earlier tonight. Frazier has a "moment of enlightenment" where he says "when your perspective changes, your reality changes," and he is sure that is what happened to him tonight. Very profound, whatever it means.

Hyped as "coming soon" to NXT is Tank Ledger, Dani Palmer and Oba Femi.

Announced for next Tuesday on NXT:

NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre defend their titles against former champs Kiana James & Fallon HenleyIlja Dragunov vs. Von Wagner in match where Mr. Stone walks away if Wagner loses Cora Jade explains her action MVP (no, not that MVP) trophy presentation for Duke Hudson

Bron Breakker cheap shots Carmelo Hayes

NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes is headed to the ring, alongside Trick Williams, to celebrate the new title reign. This looks to be the segment that closes the show.

Williams cuts a promo first where introduces the new champ. Great back-and-forth between Hayes and Williams. Hayes says he is the NXT champ, "and I am him," which is his new catchphrase. Williams proclaims "this is the him era."

Hayes spoof a famous lyric to a rap song, before Hayes goes on to put over Bron Breakker as one of Hayes' greatest and toughest opponents. Hayes says he truly respects Breakker, and Hayes calls him out to the ring to address him in person.

Breakker comes out to join Hayes and Williams in the ring. Hayes thanks Breakker on behalf of everyone at NXT. Breakker says the title holds a great legacy, and it was his duty to pass the torch when the next guy in line wins the title.

Breakker congratulates Hayes, and Breakker goes to leave. Hayes pulls him back into the ring and they embrace with a hug. Breakker raises Hayes hand, and in a something a seasoned viewer could see coming a mile away, Breakker cheap shots Hayes with a lariat. Breakker guzzles Williams, and Breakker picks him up for a military press into a powerslam. Breakker then spears Hayes, and Breakker lets out a primal scream. 

Breakker saunters out of the ring, leaving Hayes down on the mat. The audience chants "one more time" as the show fades to black, which was hilarious given that was seemingly a heel turn. Or was it? After that cliffhanger, we will find out next week.