Von Schweikert Audio, Aurender, Esoteric, Kronos Critical Mass Systems, VAC, The Audio Company

Valve Amplification Company electronics also appeared in the Euphoria room, hosted by The Audio Company, where I believe Von Schweikert’s Damon Von Schweikert and Leif Swanson were in attendance.

The setup included a VAC Statement Phono preamplifier ($80,000), a VAC Statement Linestage ($80,000), the show debut of the Von Schweikert Ultra 7 Loudspeakers ($180,000/pair), Von Schweikert Shockwave 12 subwoofers ($15,000 each), an Esoteric K1 Grandioso CD/SACD Player ($31,000), an Esoteric N-01XD streamer ($20,000), an Esoteric G-01 clock ($20,000), an Aurender W20SE music streamer/server ($25,000), a Kronos Pro Turntable ($51,000), Hana Red cart ($3,900), and Critical Mass Maxxum racks ($6150). This system also sounded crisp, lively, and human.

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