Joey Ryan, facing multiple accusations of sexual improprieties, deletes his Twitter account, several Being the Elite episodes with him also deleted


Indy wrestler Joey Ryan, whose gimmick for years has centered around drawing attention to his penis, has been the subject of multiple accusations of sexual assault since last Thursday with the #SpeakingOut movement began, with mostly women posting on Twitter first-hand accounts of being sexually assaulted and raped by male wrestlers. Ryan has deleted his Twitter page and not commented on the accusations.

The latest accusation is included from this Twitter post.

Shelly Martinez wrote on Twitter yesterday: “I’ve disliked Joey Ryan for years. I’ve told him to his face many times. Why? Because I’ve known gals who he’s been involved with. It’s not my story to tell, but I’m glad everything is coming out. His little buddies can kiss my butt, too. They knew and didn’t care.”

Ryan, ironically (or tellingly) has been doing spoofs on YouTube on “cancel culture.” Three episodes of “Being the Elite” have been deleted that centered around a Joey Ryan “Memorial” storyline.

A Tweet from 2015 was reposted of Ryan saying: “Sometimes you just have to tell her that you are putting it in her butt instead of asking her. Girls like confidence.”

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